The most popular service provided by the Cayman Islands Red Cross is the one that most people don’t realize is actually a programme.

Quick links

Introduction Beneficiary Referrals
Deals on Wheels the Red collection (tRc)
Donate with Dignity Opening hours


For years the Cayman Islands Red Cross’ Thrift Shop has served the most vulnerable population in our community by offering new and gently used items such as clothing, shoes, furniture, appliances, household and other miscellaneous items which were all generously donated by members of the community.  Like all Red Cross programmes, the Thrift Shop is open to all members of the community.

The Thrift Shop works closely with a number of government and NGOs who refer their clients/beneficiaries to our service regularly using the CIRC referral form. Such agencies include, but are not limited to the Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Rehabilitation, H.M. Prison Services, Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, and the Department of Immigration, among others. Persons who are referred to the Thrift Shop by these agencies are given access to Shop goods free of cost to them.

Furthermore, the Thrift Shop also helps and supports those families in the community who are victims of disaster, be it an island-wide disaster such as Hurricane Ivan, or an individual family’s disaster, such as house fire.  The Thrift Shop provides these families with clothing, bedding, furniture and any other items of which they are in need.

Deals on Wheels

While the Shop is based at the Red Cross Headquarters building on Huldah Avenue, it does have an outreach programme named “Deals on Wheels”, the mobile thrift shop in the form of a trailer. Items from the shop are loaded up in the Red Cross trailer and taken to key locations in each district so that residents from that area can enjoy the great bargains of the Red Cross in their own community thus saving time, effort, and gas!

“Deals on Wheels” goes to the different districts one Saturday of every other month with the exception of the month of May, when Deals on Wheels goes out to each community every Saturday of that month..

The Donate with Dignity (DWD) campaign sets guidelines for items donated to the Thrift Shop. It raises awareness about the quality of the items accepted and creates a set of standards used by the CIRC for deciding which items to sell in the shop, which items to place on the dollar sale, and which items to dispose.

10 things to know about “how to Donate with Dignity” >

Beneficiary Referrals

There are two ways in which persons in need of assistance can obtain help from the CIRC. The first way is via a referral from a partner agency (government and NGO) who has conducted an assessment and determined the person's/family's need. The second way is via a self-referral where individuals come in to request assistance. Persons who come in on a self-referral are then assessed by the CIRC who makes a determination as to their need and what the CIRC can offer- which may include access to items from our shop free of cost to referrals to other more suitable agencies.

the Red collection (tRc)

tRc is the Cayman Islands Red Cross’ Thrift Shop designer boutique. It is a fundraising initiative that offers vintage designer apparel, higher-end furniture, and new items for sale at competitive prices.

Opening hours

Thrift Shop:

Tuesday & Thursdays: 9 am – 3 pm

Saturdays: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Closed on: Fridays, Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays

Contact us for further information:  949-SHOP (949-7467) or 916-8954 or email [email protected].